Save Blessing Child Home
Giving underprivileged children a brighter future


The Save Blessing Child Home is a non-profit grassroots organization that really took flight in 2005. We are currently registered with the Government of Nepal and the Social Welfare Council under the following registration numbers:

Government Registration No. 2188 - Social Welfare Council No. 19132

We do not receive any funding or support from the government of Nepal. We rely on generous donations and sponsorship from abroad in order to provide accomodation, education, and to adequately care for our children.

Although the costs for education, food and accommodation are generally covered by sponsorships, we regularly encounter expenses we are unable to afford.

There is a constant need for clothing. Especially in the winter time, when temperatures drop to under 10 degree celsius, we are in need of warm jackets, hats and sturdy shoes. Even in the summer, with the monsoon season, money is needed for adequate rain gear for the children.

The orphanage does not currently have running water. Therefore, all water that is needed for washing, doing dishes, flushing the toilet, doing laundry or cooking has to be carried up in buckets to where it is needed. Since water becomes such a limited resource, hygienic conditions in the orphanage suffer.

In Nepal, poweroutages occur on a daily level. Especially in the evenings, the constant lack of light limits the kids activities and often interferes with their homework schedule.

If unexpected repairs around the building have cut into the tight budget, even food sometimes becomes a problem. The children get dhal bat, the typical Nepali rice dish with lentilsoup and a potato-cabbage-curry, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fruit is a luxury they only get once every couple of weeks. Even egg or meat is limited to a weekly routine. The SBCH would like to provide a better, more nutritional, diet for the children, but with a lack of finances, this often becomes impossible.

Donations are always appreciated and even a small amount of money goes a long way here. To give you an example of how affordable the improvement of living standards is, here are some examples of the costs:

a mattress: 35€/46$
a blanket and a pillow: 5€/6.50$
craft supply for all children for an afternoon: 10€/13$
a water pump to supply the house with running water: 270€/350$
a generator for between poweroutages: 300€/400$
Save Blessing Child Home
Save Blessing Child Home